Thursday, December 9, 2010

Yeah I am back, but this story was worth the wait!

I am baaack. I was working out of town on an event and November flew by. Here is a good story in return!

My sister and brother-in-laws anniversary was last week. So my mom got them a present. My sister brought it home, but of course Brayden and Kealan got to it first so they tore into it. Brayden looked at the gift in the bag and got a really sad face and said "mommy you aren't gona like this" she asked "why" and he pulled it out of the bag and it was a collage picture frame and he said "because you don't know any of the people in the pictures!"

Friday, October 22, 2010


I apologize for the hiatus. I unfortunately have not gotten to see the boys very much lately :(

Here is a cute quote from Brayden

My sister was reading this book called "Healthy Sleep, Happy Child" or something because both boys usually end up in their bed at night and it is a goal she is working on better sleep habits overall. Anyways she was reading and Brayden asked her what she was reading. And she replied "how to get you and your brother to sleep better". He replied, "let me see that" He took the book and proceed to look and the page. He said "oh it says, 'kids must sleep in mommy and daddy's bed'," and handed the book back to her. She has her work cut out for her!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Date with the Ninja Turtle

Brayden and I got invited to a fabulous Halloween party last night. I picked up my date, the cutest Leonardo the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle ever and we headed to the party. He was a hit. Very friendly as always! There were 2 haunted houses at the party. The first haunted house was in the basement of the house. All the kids started to funnel downstairs for the first house and we getting a little spooked. Brayden stepped in front of them and said "Don't worry guys I'll go down first, I am Ninja." It was so funny. He continued down first and walked all ninja like with his hands in karate chop mode to protect the kids from any spooky creatures.

Later as we were getting ready to leave, 2 more kids showed up and wouldn't you know they were kids from his school. So as a good aunt I wasn't going to drag him away. When they walked in he shouted "I KNOW YOU, you are my school friends." He grabbed their hands and leaded down to the haunted house where they played happily for a while.

I have decided that Brayden is the perfect date for the following reasons:
1. He is always excited to see me
2. We always have fun
3. He is never too busy for me
4. He likes to pay (I usually give him the money, but he gets the concept) LOL

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Working on the weekend

So Brayden refers to school as his "work". I don't know much about Montessori school, but he always tells us how swamped he is for work. I am starting to be a little concerned that at 4 he is concerned about his workload.

Saturday we had plans to go to Littleton farm. I met my sister, boys and mom there. My sister picked up my mom and Brayden had insisted on brining his "computer" in the car. It is a basic phonics computer with words and spelling. So the comp was taking up a lot of space in my sister's little car and she turns to Brayden and asked "why did you have to bring this?" He replies, "I just have so much work to do. I am soo behind, I had to use the car to try and catch up".

Now that is probably my fault. I was over last week talking about how behind I was at work because I had taken two days off to go visit my Grandpa in Arkansas. I guess I take the blame for that comment. Too funny though!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I'm explaining to a pig

Yesterday we went to Littleton Farm.
It was a beautiful fall day and a perfect outing! We saw lots of animals and historical houses. Brayden and Kealan are semi-regulars there because it is free and provides lots of space to run. When we came upon the pigs, they had just been given dinner. One of the pigs was stuck in the mud pit and could not make his way out to eat. Brayden decided to help him out. He said "ok pig just wiggle a little and get yourself out". Then  he said to himself "I'm explaining to a pig?!" it was super cute.

Today I had Brayden for the afternoon. I teach his Sunday school class and I brought him home so my sister only had one kid to contend with for the afternoon. I had gotten him a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume at a Kid's Consignment sale on Friday so I pulled it out and he ended up wearing it the rest of the afternoon. His Uncle Jason was a HUGE Ninja turtle fan back in the day so I told Brayden to call Jason and have him educate him on Ninja turtle lingo.

Sure enough he called Jason and said "I am the blue ninja turtle, Leonardo, you need to educate me on Ninja turtles" By the end of the conversation he knew all 4 turtles, April, Shredder, Splinter and the all important Cowabunga dude. He looked awesome

Friday, October 1, 2010

Who ate the last Apple?

I was hanging at my sister's last night and we were trying to do some stuff online.The boys were running around as usual, but we have gotten pretty good at being productive with them around. At one point Brayden walks over and was like "could you 2 get off of the computers already?!"

Later after Kealan had fallen asleep, Brayden goes into the kitchen and comes out with a sour look on his face. He says "who ate the last apple?!" My sister said your dad did we can get some more apples tomorrow. He scrunched his face, dropped to the ground like he was super upset or something. My sister says, Brayden there is no reason to have an attitude about it, we will get more apples tomorrow. He just pops up with a huge grin, he likes to do that often where he pretends to be mad or upset and breaks into a smile. I have to put my head down to not laugh and encourage that behavior bc it is so funny.

Finally Brayden was upset because I didn't bring pjs for a sleepover. I told him I had to work and he had school today. I still convinced him to give me a big hug goodbye and went on my way. When I got home my sister texted me and said right after I left Brayden comes running out of his room with his backpack and says stop Brittany I packed my bag with pjs and clothes for the morning! Broke my heart. I guess I have a sleepover with a 4 year old in my near future!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Brayden's girlfriends

I was playing with Brayden one afternoon and he pulled out some hiking boots that were 3 times too big and put them on. He started to talk about hiking. I said I like hiking too. He replied "well you can be my girlfriend and we can go hiking"!

A little while later we were playing outside. Now this past summer he did VBS and was quite taken to the 12 year old assistant Jackie. He even made me take a picture of the two of them on the last day and has been calling her his girlfriend ever since. Although occasionally he will forget her name and ask us what is the name of my girlfriend!So we were playing outside and he is changing the oil on his powerwheels jeep. Then he proceeds to wash it. I ask what he is doing. He replies, I am cleaning my jeep because I am having a baby. I said who is? He said Jackie. I replied well your priorities are all wrong because you should just go to the hospital and not worry about cleaning your jeep first! Then I said I thought you said I was your girlfriend. He responded oh you are but so is Jackie. I said you can't have 2 girlfriends. He replied oh Yes I can!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Walking with Brayden

I went on a walk this evening with Brayden, just around the neighborhood. He explained to me what an adjective is! He is 4 and a half! He started this new Montessori school 2 weeks ago and he is doing awesome! It is amazing to see the difference compared to his preschool last year!

So when I knocked on the front door he comes running out and he has a backpack on. I was like um okay. As we were walking I asked him what was in his backpack. He said "my army clothes and stuff in case we get lost". Guess he doesn't have a whole lot of confidence in me to make it around the neighborhood safely!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Vacation Time

Last summer when Brayden was 3 my sister planned their family vacation for Philedelphia and NYC. Brayden was real exctited. The previous summer they had gone to see Mountain Rushmore (yes Brayden prounounces Mountain not Mount. So my sister wanted to continue the historical monument vacations. She explained about the Liberty Bell and his response was "why would I wana go see a bell that is Cracked?!" He still got pretty excited the more that he learned about the trip. Since they were flying from Denver to Philly it ended up getting them in pretty late. As they exited the plan this nice lady that had been on the flight and knew they were going on vacation turned to Brayden and said, "Are you excited to be on vacation? What are you going to do first?" He looked at her and replied "I am gona go find a bed and pass out. I am exhuasted!" LOL probably the first time he has ever admited wanting to go to bed, although I am pretty sure once they got to the hotel he got his second wind!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Time out

When Brayden was little and would do something wrong, he would immediately run to my sister and hug her and say I Love You. He has always known how to get out of a situation!

Kealan he is all business. One day I was over there and the boys were of course rough housing and he wacks my sister. He immediately realized what he did and without skipping a beat ran and sat down in the time out spot. It lasted moments and he got up and came back over. My sister asked him, Kealan are you going to behave now? He looked at her, shook his head and ran back to the time out spot and sat down. I guess he knew he needed more time to think about what he had done!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Boys will be boys...right?

So life with two boys can be quite interesting. They are big fans of rough housing. I mean at 20 months Kealan has already broken 2 bones!

The first broken bone was on his foot. It was a round of Ring Around the Rosie gone wrong. Brayden and Kealan were happily playing this game and my sister was thrilled, they were playing together, Brayden was singing and she thought maybe just maybe they are starting to place nice together and Brayden could get Kealan to start saying some words. Boy was she wrong. No sooner then the reached Ashes. Ashes we all fall down, instead of falling down Brayden flings Kealan and he flies into the side of the couch hitting his foot right now and that was cast number one. It happened right before their trip to Texas, so she had to take a 18 month old to Texas in June with a cast. How miserable was that car ride. Moreover they had to keep the foot covered because it became a weapon in wrestling matches. Kealan figured out how to run in a leg cast within 24hours and delighted in this new game.

The second broken bone was on his right wrist. This came from his own accord. Both boys have Batman pjs that have a cape on them. Well Brayden decided to stand on the couch and leap off like Batman does, well before my sister could even react Kealan had climbed onto the couch and leaped off to mimic Brayden. End result: cast number 2, one week before the family vacation to san diego. Both boys love the beach so my sister came up with a good idea of water proofing the casts. The only downside is that she got some questions on why her baby's arm had been amputated.

So that brings us to Mass this past Sunday. We are standing in the foyer because the cry room was full. The next thing we know Kealan runs and full on tackles Brayden in the middle of Mass, on tile floor inches from the glass separating the main sanctuary. Kealan looked up and immediately ran for the nearest corner to put his nose. At least he knows when he has done wrong...right?

Monday, September 20, 2010

I think you need to Rethink that

Brayden is a talker, just like his mom. He constantly gets into trouble at preschool for talking and last year was particularly bad. It was a weekly occurrence. My sister was unable to get through to him. I laugh because she was the one ALWAYS in trouble for talking at school.

So one day last spring my sister picked up Brayden from school and again the teacher mentioned he got in trouble for talking. As they were driving home my sister starts talking to Brayden, what are we going to do for you to get that you can't talk in school? We are going to have to figure out some punishment. I think what we are going to do when we get home is you will get all of your matchbox cars and bring them out of your room and we will put them away for a while so you can learn to not talk out of turn at school. *now those cars are Brayden's life - he doesn't go a day without playing with them and usually has at least one in his pocket at all times).
He looks at her very fiercely and replies, "I think you need to Rethink that."

On another note, I really believe that while Brayden is the talker, Kealan is going to be the lunch stealer. He will be the kid that eats his own lunch and then steals the lunches of other kids. I am just saying....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hanging with my two favorite little guys

When my sister asked me to babysit tonight I'm not sure what I was thinking when I replied "sure I can even take them to Chuck E Cheese" on a Friday night? Was I kidding myself? In all honesty we had a blast. Chasing Kealan around was pretty fun. He really enjoys putting the tokens in the games but then runs away without playing. By then end of our hour there we hadn't accumulated too many tickets so their chosen prizes had to be supplemented. It was all and all a good night. We came home got their pjs on and played until my sister and brother in law arrived.

After I got home my sister sent me a text

"Bray is so funny. He goes in his room and gets the picture of you and him, comes out to the living room sits indian style and bows his head and looks at the picture......looks at me, than looks at the picture. Then he busts out laughing and says, I had a lot of fun with Brittany." He was trying to act all melancholy about it but cracked himself up. Man I love that kid

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A contribution from my sister

So my sister wanted to contribute a story for tonight. Here it is...

Totally true story.....enjoy!
So I was getting ready for bed tonight, and Brayden and Kealan were running around and being loud.  I told them to sit down and be quiet while mommy was getting ready for bed.  They continued to run around and be loud.  I told them again, "boys, it is getting late, sit down and be quiet."  Well, it continues for a little while longer, I continue to repeat myself, and after getting stern, Bray sits down.  Kealan, however,  continues to run around and be crazy.  Brayden turns to Kealan and says "shhhhhhh Kealan."  So I repeated myself again, "boys sit down and be quiet."  Brayden got really quiet and then turns to Kealan and says, "Kealan, mommy wants us to shit!"  I looked at Brayden and asked him what he just said.  He said, "you wanted us to shhhhh and sit, you know shit!"  I simply turned around and left the room.  After composing myself, I returned and told Brayden that we shouldn't "combined" words because we are trying to teach Kealan to talk.  He simply smiled! 
So when things get crazy, everyone needs to settle down and go "shit".  Love to all.
P.S. I love being a mom!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Brayden Goes to Work

A couple of weeks ago Brayden started a new preschool - Montessori. He was doing good at his parochial preschool, but he just didn't seem to respond as well to the format and enjoy it. My sister decided to put in in Montessori. At first he was excited about his new school. Then one day he told my sister "you know that school takes FOREVER to get to". She was like no only about 20 minutes. He was like "well you are just going to leave me there for like 25 hours!"

Well he got over it. He started school and LOVES it. He goes 4 days a week and complained that he couldn't go everyday! He is doing fabulous and can actually verbalize what he did each day (at his old preschool he would reply "nothin" when my sister would inquire what he did each day). He even has started referring to school as work. So now he doesn't go to school, he goes to "work". Tonight at dinner my sister asked him what he was doing at "work" tomorrow. He replied "I have to check my emails, we are doing complicated things"

He is 4 and already a work-a-holic!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Calling their favorite uncle

So neither Brayden nor Kealan are big phone talkers, I mean they are 20 months and 4 and half. Unless of course Uncle Jason is on the phone. Then those two fight over the phone. If Kealan gets the phone he will say "hi" no less than 50 times and "ya" to whatever Jason asks him. When Brayden can pry the phone away then he has his conversations with Jason. Jason is like his best buddy in the whole world. Brayden recently told me that I was one of 2 of his girlfriends and despite me telling him he A. can't have two girlfriends he replied oh but I can. Yes he is that kid jeez. Anyways Jason is his BEST FRIEND hands down. So he was talking to Jason trying to convince him to come visit for Easter again next year. Jason got hit with a little bit of altitude sickness last Easter and Brayden thought it was related to his mass consumption of Dr Pepper. (Jason gave it up for Lent and proceeded to drink Dr. Pepper all day Easter Sunday). So I overhear Brayden talking to Jason about coming next Easter and not getting sick. He tells Jason, "just don't drink so much Dr. Pepper next time you visit, only drink it in moderation"

So yes Brayden wants to make sure you drink in moderation. So anytime you feel the need to drink or do anything in excess just remember WWBS - what would brayden say and the answer is "only in moderation"

Monday, September 13, 2010

Did ya ever think about anyone else?

So one night while my sister was putting Kealan to bed, Brayden was playing in his room. My brother in law was in the kitchen eating some milk and cookies. Brayden wandered in the kitchen and found my brother in law. He said "what are you doing?" My brother in law said, "I am eating milk and cookies" Brayden replied "do you always think of yourself? Did you not think anyone else would want some milk and cookies too?!" and then he stormed off. My brother in law was left wondering what happened to his sweet little boy and learned what happens when you don't share your cookies with a 4 year old.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First memorable quotes

So the first memorable quote that I have from Brayden came when he was almost 3. I was taking care of him after Kealan was born. It was the morning of Kealan's birth and I was trying to get him dressed to go to the hospital to see mommy and daddy one more time before Kealan came. He was running around like a crazy boy and I said Brayden I think we need to get dressed. He turned to me and said "I think that is a terrible idea!" Needless to say we did not make it to the hospital in time to see his parents before Kealan came and it is my fault that is first pictures with Kealan he has food on his face from lunch! That whole day he was full of fun things. He decided that he did not want anyone holding or taking pictures of his new baby brother so he would protectively put his hands over Kealan's face and say, "NO PICTURES!"

What a crazy kid.

Kealan, being only 20 months does not have the repertoire that his brother does, although he has a one of a kind personality. I think his funniest thing right now is his different body language. He is one to chill on the couch or his careseat with his arms folded behind his head. Sometimes if he forgets something and we remind him he will slap his hand to his forehead and say "OH!" it is pretty hilarious. Recently as he has become more verbal I have been trying to get him to say my name. I realize Brittany is hard for a kid, but Brayden successfully came up with Binny so I have been repeating that and trying to get Kealan to say it. This kid has been offered so much from me, money, toys, treats, he doesn't realize what is on the line here! My sister, after watching me for a while, said well maybe he wants to pronounce it properly. She said Kealan say, BRITTANY over emphasizing the TANY part. He thought for a moment then blurted out TITI. So ya thanks for my sister my 20 months old nephew calls me Titi. Awesome.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Some things you neve want to forget

I decided to start this blog because a friend commented on the number of funny things I quote from my nephews. What I realized was that those quotes were a mere fraction of what they say and do. I am fortunate to live near my two nephews. Brayden my adorable godson is 4 and Kealan is 20months old. These two are the epitome of two liitle boys. They never slow down. In fact Kealan has had two casts already because they are crazy boys. My sister is convinced she could remove all furniture and pad her entire house and they'd still manage to get hurt!

Brayden is the typical eldest child. Nothing can get past him and he will speak his mind. Kealan the second is starting to be more vocal after letting his brother communicate for so long!

Their newest sibling will arrive in late march and I hope for my sister's sanity it is a girl!

I'm constantly blown away by these two and I hope that you enjoy their funny stories!