Friday, September 24, 2010

Vacation Time

Last summer when Brayden was 3 my sister planned their family vacation for Philedelphia and NYC. Brayden was real exctited. The previous summer they had gone to see Mountain Rushmore (yes Brayden prounounces Mountain not Mount. So my sister wanted to continue the historical monument vacations. She explained about the Liberty Bell and his response was "why would I wana go see a bell that is Cracked?!" He still got pretty excited the more that he learned about the trip. Since they were flying from Denver to Philly it ended up getting them in pretty late. As they exited the plan this nice lady that had been on the flight and knew they were going on vacation turned to Brayden and said, "Are you excited to be on vacation? What are you going to do first?" He looked at her and replied "I am gona go find a bed and pass out. I am exhuasted!" LOL probably the first time he has ever admited wanting to go to bed, although I am pretty sure once they got to the hotel he got his second wind!

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