Thursday, September 30, 2010

Brayden's girlfriends

I was playing with Brayden one afternoon and he pulled out some hiking boots that were 3 times too big and put them on. He started to talk about hiking. I said I like hiking too. He replied "well you can be my girlfriend and we can go hiking"!

A little while later we were playing outside. Now this past summer he did VBS and was quite taken to the 12 year old assistant Jackie. He even made me take a picture of the two of them on the last day and has been calling her his girlfriend ever since. Although occasionally he will forget her name and ask us what is the name of my girlfriend!So we were playing outside and he is changing the oil on his powerwheels jeep. Then he proceeds to wash it. I ask what he is doing. He replies, I am cleaning my jeep because I am having a baby. I said who is? He said Jackie. I replied well your priorities are all wrong because you should just go to the hospital and not worry about cleaning your jeep first! Then I said I thought you said I was your girlfriend. He responded oh you are but so is Jackie. I said you can't have 2 girlfriends. He replied oh Yes I can!

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