Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Date with the Ninja Turtle

Brayden and I got invited to a fabulous Halloween party last night. I picked up my date, the cutest Leonardo the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle ever and we headed to the party. He was a hit. Very friendly as always! There were 2 haunted houses at the party. The first haunted house was in the basement of the house. All the kids started to funnel downstairs for the first house and we getting a little spooked. Brayden stepped in front of them and said "Don't worry guys I'll go down first, I am Ninja." It was so funny. He continued down first and walked all ninja like with his hands in karate chop mode to protect the kids from any spooky creatures.

Later as we were getting ready to leave, 2 more kids showed up and wouldn't you know they were kids from his school. So as a good aunt I wasn't going to drag him away. When they walked in he shouted "I KNOW YOU, you are my school friends." He grabbed their hands and leaded down to the haunted house where they played happily for a while.

I have decided that Brayden is the perfect date for the following reasons:
1. He is always excited to see me
2. We always have fun
3. He is never too busy for me
4. He likes to pay (I usually give him the money, but he gets the concept) LOL

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