Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oh Kealan Patrick

So this afternoon my sister dozed off while feeding the baby only to wake to the sounds of hair being cut. The infamous Kealan was "making mommy beautiful"

On other Kealan tidbits....

On Thanksgiving he was the first to go around answering the question "What are you thankful for" his reply


Do you see a disconnect with the above action?

Here is another

The other day he was playing a game on the phone and his nana asked him was he was doing. He replied
"I don't share and I don't care." without looking up from the game

Oy vei

And the not final but final for today

One day Kealan and Brayden were sitting in time out in opposite corners for fighting. Kealan stews for a minute and looks at his brother and says "I'm gona get you BB" and proceeds to bolt across the room and punch his brother.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Here are two good short stories from Kealan.

After dropping Brayden off at school one morning they were driving home. Kealan was relaxing and enjoying the ride. Braydens school is in the country so the ride is kind of serene through corn fields and past cow pastures. As Kealan is watching out the window he sighs "I miss BB (his name for Brayden). I really want to sit on him and punch him."

He said is so non-Chalantly. What a kid

The other day Kealan was in the potty and calls to my sister. She comes in and he says Keke go potty. Mama rub my feet... That a good idea...

I guess he thinks he is the sultan of Dubai or something! At barely 2 and a half!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

FB Status a year ago today

This was my status from a year ago...Incidentally enough it is a post!

my sister recently realized the days of spelling a conversation in front of the kids is over. the other day brayden was like i am so hungry if i don't eat right now i am going to d-i-e. my sister said what does that spell? he said d-i-e, die.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Quotes from Teegan's Birth

Teegan Adele' was welcomed by her brothers on March 24th, 2011. Kealan at barely 2 reacted as any two year old, Brayden on the other hand - it was love at first site! He had been asking for a baby sister since Kealan was born. Every time he and I would have our "dates" at the mall for gyros and ice cream he would throw a penny in the well and ask for a baby sister!

Here are some of the best quotes from Brayden about his new sister:

"I don't like her...I LOVE her"

"She's killing that milk" (in reference to her nursing)

"I'm sooo glad God sent her"

I am happy to report that Brayden still loves his baby sister. School is so hard because he just misses her so much! Kealan well if you ever meet Kealan you will get it. He is a good big brother though in his own way :) He is a better big brother than a little brother...but that is another post on the fun of these two crazy brothers.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Forgotten Lunch

Yesterday was Brayden's first day of school! I still can't believe my little godson is in kindergarten! Anyway shortly after they arrived at school it was discovered that Brayden's lunch was left at home. Well he overheard this and rather loudly exclaimed "What?! you forgot my lunch? What am I going to do? I will STARVE!"

My sister promised that it would be ok they would go get it and drop it off at school before lunch time. Brayden was still in disbelief. "I can believe I dont have a lunch. I will be here ALL day and have nothing to eat. I am just going to starve!"

So dramatic.

He got his lunch on time and had an otherwise excellent first day of school :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day of School

Today my baby godson starts kindergarten! I can still remember holding him for the first time 5 years ago! I heard this poem many years ago and altered it for a little boy. Author unknown

Have a great first stay of school Brayden! I Love you

I Trust You'll Treat HIm Well

World, I bequeath to you today one little boy in a crispy slacks.. with two blue eyes...and a happy laugh that ripples all day long, and a batch of light blonde hair that glimmers in the sunlight when he runs. I Trust You'll Treat Him Well.

He's slipping out of the backyard of my heart this morning and skipping off down the street to his first day at school.

And never again will he be completely mine...

True and proud, he'll wave a young and independent hand this morning, and say goodbye and walk with little boy gallops to the nearby schoolhouse...

Gone will be the chattering little hoyden who lived only for play, and gone will be the delightful little gamin who roamed the yard like a proud prince with nary a care in his little world.

Now, he will learn to stand in lines...and wait by the alphabet for his name to be called...

He will learn to tune his little ears for the sound of school bells, and for deadlines...

He will learn to giggle and gossip... and to look at the ceiling in a disinterested way when the little girl across the aisle sticks out her tongue.

Now he will learn to be jealous...and now he will learn how it is to feel hurt inside...and now he will learn how not to cry. No longer will he have time to sit on the front porch steps on a summer day and watch while an ant scurries across a crack in the sidewalk...
Or will he have time to pop out of bed with the dawn to kiss lilac blossoms in the morning dew. Now he will worry about important grades...and what to wear...and whose best friend is whose. Now he will worry about staying after school...and which little girls likes which little boys...And the magic of books and knowledge will soon take the place of the magic of his blocks and cars.

And he'll find his new heroes. For five full years I've been his sage and Santa Claus...his pal and playmate...his parent and friend. Now, alas, he'll learn to share his worship and adoration with his teachers (which is only right).

No longer will his parents be the smartest, and greatest in the world. Today, when the first school bell rings, he'll learn how it is to be a member of the group...with all its privileges, and, of course, its disadvantages, too.

He'll learn in time that proper young men don't laugh out loud...or keep frogs in pickle jars in bedrooms...or watch ants scurry across the cracks in a summer sidewalk...

Today, he'll begin to learn for the first time that all who smile at  him are not his friends. That "the group" can be a demanding mistress... and I'll stand on the porch and watch him start out on the long, long journey to becoming a man.

So WORLD, I BEQUEATH TO YOU TODAY ONE LITTLE BOY in  crispy slacks, with two blue eyes, a happy laugh that ripples all day long, and a batch of light blonde hair that glimmers in the sunlight when he runs.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Kealan's first day of school

This summer Kealan started a 2 day a week, one hour each day preschool. He was SOOO excited about it. The night before his first day he packed his backpack full of pencils and even made himself a lunch (despite not being there for lunch).

That night he was up and down and didn't sleep well. My sister went to get him up for school and he was NOT getting up. She tried and tried not wanting him to miss his first day to no avail. When he finally woke up she told him "Kealan you slept through your first day of school! You missed it"

He looked at her and replied "Keke tired"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trying to get better at this

It has been a crazy few months and now my nephews have a 4 month old baby sister! We have a plethora of stories from not only Brayden but a talking Kealan too! I am going to attempt and upload several stories to repopulate the blog so get ready from more great stories!

Here is a Kealan story.

My sister has a trampoline in their backyard and the little kiddie slide is pushed against it as a ramp. Kealan has a LOVE for rocks and wanted to carry his bucket of rocks up to the trampoline. He would start at the bottom of the slide, attempt to lift the bucket up the slide, but then he would get to the top of the slide and see that the bucket of rocks still remained on the ground where it always one. He attempted this process several more times with the same results. He finally looked up and saw my sister and Brayden staring at him kind of smiling and he shouts out "NOT FUNNY GUYS!"

Poor kiddo he just needed a little help :)