Friday, September 17, 2010

Hanging with my two favorite little guys

When my sister asked me to babysit tonight I'm not sure what I was thinking when I replied "sure I can even take them to Chuck E Cheese" on a Friday night? Was I kidding myself? In all honesty we had a blast. Chasing Kealan around was pretty fun. He really enjoys putting the tokens in the games but then runs away without playing. By then end of our hour there we hadn't accumulated too many tickets so their chosen prizes had to be supplemented. It was all and all a good night. We came home got their pjs on and played until my sister and brother in law arrived.

After I got home my sister sent me a text

"Bray is so funny. He goes in his room and gets the picture of you and him, comes out to the living room sits indian style and bows his head and looks at the picture......looks at me, than looks at the picture. Then he busts out laughing and says, I had a lot of fun with Brittany." He was trying to act all melancholy about it but cracked himself up. Man I love that kid

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