Monday, September 20, 2010

I think you need to Rethink that

Brayden is a talker, just like his mom. He constantly gets into trouble at preschool for talking and last year was particularly bad. It was a weekly occurrence. My sister was unable to get through to him. I laugh because she was the one ALWAYS in trouble for talking at school.

So one day last spring my sister picked up Brayden from school and again the teacher mentioned he got in trouble for talking. As they were driving home my sister starts talking to Brayden, what are we going to do for you to get that you can't talk in school? We are going to have to figure out some punishment. I think what we are going to do when we get home is you will get all of your matchbox cars and bring them out of your room and we will put them away for a while so you can learn to not talk out of turn at school. *now those cars are Brayden's life - he doesn't go a day without playing with them and usually has at least one in his pocket at all times).
He looks at her very fiercely and replies, "I think you need to Rethink that."

On another note, I really believe that while Brayden is the talker, Kealan is going to be the lunch stealer. He will be the kid that eats his own lunch and then steals the lunches of other kids. I am just saying....

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