Sunday, September 12, 2010

First memorable quotes

So the first memorable quote that I have from Brayden came when he was almost 3. I was taking care of him after Kealan was born. It was the morning of Kealan's birth and I was trying to get him dressed to go to the hospital to see mommy and daddy one more time before Kealan came. He was running around like a crazy boy and I said Brayden I think we need to get dressed. He turned to me and said "I think that is a terrible idea!" Needless to say we did not make it to the hospital in time to see his parents before Kealan came and it is my fault that is first pictures with Kealan he has food on his face from lunch! That whole day he was full of fun things. He decided that he did not want anyone holding or taking pictures of his new baby brother so he would protectively put his hands over Kealan's face and say, "NO PICTURES!"

What a crazy kid.

Kealan, being only 20 months does not have the repertoire that his brother does, although he has a one of a kind personality. I think his funniest thing right now is his different body language. He is one to chill on the couch or his careseat with his arms folded behind his head. Sometimes if he forgets something and we remind him he will slap his hand to his forehead and say "OH!" it is pretty hilarious. Recently as he has become more verbal I have been trying to get him to say my name. I realize Brittany is hard for a kid, but Brayden successfully came up with Binny so I have been repeating that and trying to get Kealan to say it. This kid has been offered so much from me, money, toys, treats, he doesn't realize what is on the line here! My sister, after watching me for a while, said well maybe he wants to pronounce it properly. She said Kealan say, BRITTANY over emphasizing the TANY part. He thought for a moment then blurted out TITI. So ya thanks for my sister my 20 months old nephew calls me Titi. Awesome.

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