Friday, October 1, 2010

Who ate the last Apple?

I was hanging at my sister's last night and we were trying to do some stuff online.The boys were running around as usual, but we have gotten pretty good at being productive with them around. At one point Brayden walks over and was like "could you 2 get off of the computers already?!"

Later after Kealan had fallen asleep, Brayden goes into the kitchen and comes out with a sour look on his face. He says "who ate the last apple?!" My sister said your dad did we can get some more apples tomorrow. He scrunched his face, dropped to the ground like he was super upset or something. My sister says, Brayden there is no reason to have an attitude about it, we will get more apples tomorrow. He just pops up with a huge grin, he likes to do that often where he pretends to be mad or upset and breaks into a smile. I have to put my head down to not laugh and encourage that behavior bc it is so funny.

Finally Brayden was upset because I didn't bring pjs for a sleepover. I told him I had to work and he had school today. I still convinced him to give me a big hug goodbye and went on my way. When I got home my sister texted me and said right after I left Brayden comes running out of his room with his backpack and says stop Brittany I packed my bag with pjs and clothes for the morning! Broke my heart. I guess I have a sleepover with a 4 year old in my near future!

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