Sunday, October 3, 2010

I'm explaining to a pig

Yesterday we went to Littleton Farm.
It was a beautiful fall day and a perfect outing! We saw lots of animals and historical houses. Brayden and Kealan are semi-regulars there because it is free and provides lots of space to run. When we came upon the pigs, they had just been given dinner. One of the pigs was stuck in the mud pit and could not make his way out to eat. Brayden decided to help him out. He said "ok pig just wiggle a little and get yourself out". Then  he said to himself "I'm explaining to a pig?!" it was super cute.

Today I had Brayden for the afternoon. I teach his Sunday school class and I brought him home so my sister only had one kid to contend with for the afternoon. I had gotten him a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume at a Kid's Consignment sale on Friday so I pulled it out and he ended up wearing it the rest of the afternoon. His Uncle Jason was a HUGE Ninja turtle fan back in the day so I told Brayden to call Jason and have him educate him on Ninja turtle lingo.

Sure enough he called Jason and said "I am the blue ninja turtle, Leonardo, you need to educate me on Ninja turtles" By the end of the conversation he knew all 4 turtles, April, Shredder, Splinter and the all important Cowabunga dude. He looked awesome

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