Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trying to get better at this

It has been a crazy few months and now my nephews have a 4 month old baby sister! We have a plethora of stories from not only Brayden but a talking Kealan too! I am going to attempt and upload several stories to repopulate the blog so get ready from more great stories!

Here is a Kealan story.

My sister has a trampoline in their backyard and the little kiddie slide is pushed against it as a ramp. Kealan has a LOVE for rocks and wanted to carry his bucket of rocks up to the trampoline. He would start at the bottom of the slide, attempt to lift the bucket up the slide, but then he would get to the top of the slide and see that the bucket of rocks still remained on the ground where it always one. He attempted this process several more times with the same results. He finally looked up and saw my sister and Brayden staring at him kind of smiling and he shouts out "NOT FUNNY GUYS!"

Poor kiddo he just needed a little help :)

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